Asparagus is a perennial herbaceous plant defined as “the royal vegetable” par excellence, whose origins are lost in history. 

The interest in this plant dates back to antiquity, but it seems that only at the end of the Middle Ages began its cultivation on a large scale. With the discovery of the New World also the asparagus crossed the ocean and found new land suitable for its cultivation. The Mediterranean tradition prefers green asparagus, while in northern Europe and also in Veneto dominates the preference for white shoots. The edible part of the plant is the “turione” which possesses diuretic properties. 

From the past until today, asparagus, which was once much appreciated as a therapeutic remedy, has become an indispensable component of many spring dishes especially for its aromatic taste. Depending on the soil in which it is grown, the delicious vegetable can be harvested from March to mid-June and makes a good figure as a main dish, for example with boiled potatoes and Bozen sauce, but also as a side dish, as a soup, marinated or grilled.


Asparagus is a perennial herbaceous plant defined as “the royal vegetable” par excellence, whose origins are lost in history. 

The interest in this plant dates back to antiquity, but it seems that only at the end of the Middle Ages began its cultivation on a large scale. With the discovery of the New World also the asparagus crossed the ocean and found new land suitable for its cultivation. The Mediterranean tradition prefers green asparagus, while in northern Europe and also in Veneto dominates the preference for white shoots. The edible part of the plant is the “turione” which possesses diuretic properties. 

From the past until today, asparagus, which was once much appreciated as a therapeutic remedy, has become an indispensable component of many spring dishes especially for its aromatic taste. Depending on the soil in which it is grown, the delicious vegetable can be harvested from March to mid-June and makes a good figure as a main dish, for example with boiled potatoes and Bozen sauce, but also as a side dish, as a soup, marinated or grilled.

The asparagus belong to the group of CIBI SALVA VITA.


Diuretics and depuratives are a cure for the kidneys: the asparagus contain the purines that free us from the stagnation of liquids and that reduce the risk of kidney stones. 

It also contains asparagine which causes the strong odor that we experience in the urine after we eat asparagus. The smell of urine is related to the health of the kidneys and their efficiency: the system works well. 

They are always in the popular medicine as anti-inflammatory for the spleen and draining for the lungs, the potassium / nitrogen ratio and asparagine, making them excellent scavengers ability to clean at the same time intestine, liver, kidneys, lungs and skin. The diuretic action of this vegetable is also very useful to fight cellulite, freeing the body from stagnation and waste.

They prevent diabetes: consuming asparagus helps prevent type 2 diabetes because, some substances contained in this vegetable, are able to promote the production of insulin, lowering blood glucose levels.

Antioxidants and benefits for the skin: asparagus are rich in antioxidants and this makes them useful to counter the signs of aging and to combat the harmful effects of free radicals thanks to carotenoids, useful for assimilating vitamin A, and that protect the our skin from the early appearance of wrinkles. Glutadione helps the skin protect it from the harmful effects of sunlight and pollution.

Reduce pressure and prevent cardiovascular diseases: thanks to saponins, polyphenols and potassium, asparagus helps to lower high blood pressure. In addition, potassium ensures the proper functioning of muscles, including the heart, also preventing cardiovascular diseases.

   They help the circulation: the asparagus contain rutin which reinforces the walls of the capillaries helping us to improve the blood circulation but also the microcirculation preventing the appearance of the capillaries.   

Antitumor: the inulin contained in the asparagus is important for the prevention of colon cancer. They also contain a substance, glutadione which helps our body to get rid of harmful and potentially carcinogenic substances. 

For this reason, asparagus is an excellent food to prevent other forms of cancer, in particular: bone, breast, lung and laryngeal cancer.   Laxative effects for stomach and intestine: inulin and high fiber content make the asparagus useful for the proper functioning of the stomach and intestine: they facilitate digestion and protect the intestinal bacterial flora, as well as having a laxative effect. 

Inulin also makes asparagus natural anti-inflammatories.   They help the nervous system and fight sadness: folic acid and vitamin B12 help prevent diseases of the nervous system, especially those of a degenerative type. 

The asparagus perform an antidepressive function, helping us to fight the moments of sadness, anxiety, stress and insomnia, thanks to magnesium and potassium that also give energy fighting tiredness.   

Excellent for losing weight: the diuretic properties of asparagus help eliminate swelling and also contain few calories (20 calories per 100 grams of product), therefore they are suitable for those who follow a low-calorie diet. Another important feature: increase the sense of satiety.

Useful during pregnancy: the asparagus contain a good percentage of folic acid, an essential element to prevent malformations of the fetus. Folic acid is also important for the prevention of polycystic ovary.   

In addition, the asparagus contains calcium: excellent ally for the health of teeth and bones. Vitamin C increases the immune defenses: every 100 grams of asparagus contain about 25 gr. of this precious vitamin, covering almost half of the daily requirement. Finally, minerals such as potassium and magnesium also help fight the symptoms of PMS while also regulating blood cholesterol levels.