Agricola Conte’s mission is to valorise the product at a local level to maximize its origin and typicality. To do this, over time it has equipped itself with technologies and services designed to produce correctly and according to the indications of the markets, take charge of the productions, process them and market them in the most important markets. The main objective of the company is to bring this product from the land to the table of all consumers, through the various distribution channels both Italian and foreign. A Made in Italy product with a taste and a quality that is directly recognized by the final consumer. We need to support an agriculture that is a source of life, to fight against the looting of the environment and to safeguard the biodiversity of the planet, to promote production processes that respect the environment and the work of human beings. To give substance to these values and to the desire to respond adequately to the needs of increasingly attentive and aware consumers, is the company’s purpose. In a reality where quantity and income are increasingly preferred, we want to re-establish quality and simplicity. We hope for a return to a way of cultivating more naturally, closer to the natural cycles of growth of raw materials, so as to preserve intact all the nutrients and respect their essence
L’azienda (che opera con e per i prodotti commestibili, ovvero cibo, elementi che ogni consumatore introduce dentro se e quindi di notevolissima importanza) aderisce al Consorzio di Valorizzazione dell’Asparago di Verona di cui il titolare, il Sig. Claudio Conte è il direttore
Da sempre il Consorzio che non è una realtà di conferimento ma solo di valorizzazione territoriale, si impegna a far conoscere al consumatore medio la bontà dell’asparago da noi prodotto. Riconosciuto positivamente dai consumatori.
E’ una produzione pulita, ovvero ottenuta con pratiche colturali rispettose, sostenibili, è controllata e certificata. Si è costantemente in lavoro per mettere in pratica le metodologie migliori per questo e il consumatore da una parte e il territorio sono i punti fissi a cui tendere.
E’ una produzione giusta in quanto è valore fondante dell’azienda e prassi comune che tutto il valore aggiunto sia trasferito dal produttore al consumatore, che di conseguenza avrà la possibilità di essere sempre e sempre più aggiornato. Per fare questo si propongono anche visite aziendali atte a dimostrare la serietà aziendale e il buon lavoro.
Si tende sempre, nel limite delle possibilità di accorciare la filiera e di arrivare quanto più possibile vicino al consumatore.
Following continuous research over the years, we have drastically limited the use of antiparasitic products, the contribution of nutrients has been almost totally replaced by the chemical to the organic, thus ensuring a healthy product, enhancing its organoleptic and gustatory characteristics, which are fully recognized by consumers.
Our future goal is to achieve an increasingly sustainable development and approach to the biological world being in our opinion the only possible solution, if you want to protect the environment and the health of people, trying to restore between the two a relationship balance, precious for the future of our planet.
Buying a sustainable, healthy and chemical-free product means choosing – for yourself and for the people you care about – healthy, good and honest food, obtained without synthetic chemicals, GMO-free, radiation and unnecessary additives, and at the same time producing in a sustainable way means making a responsible choice that can concretely change the world. It means carrying out an action of freedom, nurturing a hope that must be supported, it means investing in the future of the planet.